The Pulse | Wednesday, May 2, 2018
A Time For New Beginnings
Judith Currier, RN CGRN HN-BC
Spring is in the air. Spring is a time for renewal and change. It is a time for new beginnings. Every spring, at the SGNA National conference, we have an opportunity to meet with our colleagues from across the country to collaborate on our GI practices, learn new ideas and affect change in our organization.
In the SGNA House of Delegates, the leaders of the regional chapters gather together to build stronger bonds, review practices and affect change. The House of Delegates is the avenue in which members have an opportunity voice their opinions and concerns to SGNA leadership and to the SGNA Board of Directors. In this body of SGNA government, we, the members, can express the ideas we have for change and direction for our organization to SGNA leadership. Through the process for resolutions, members can present their ideas about the direction they want to take SGNA. Examples can be as simple as membership kits to help with marketing SGNA to new regional members to adding annual scholarships to the annual course and convention like the Doris Barnie Scholarship, or to adding educational products for certification. This is a body where our voice can be heard. Any member is welcome to create and present their resolutions to the House of Delegates. Resolutions are solicited throughout the year and then presented to the House for a vote.
What are some to the ideas that you have for SGNA? I challenge you to gather with your fellow members and write your ideas down. Take your ideas and create thoughtful resolutions to present before the House of Delegates. Allow your voice to be heard. Let us strive to continue to be the industry leaders in GI nursing practice. With the many voices in our organization, we can continue to be the standard of excellence for GI nursing.
See you in Orlando!